Friday, November 18, 2011

3 cách để tràn đầy năng lượng mà không cần động đến cafe
3 cách để tràn đầy năng lượng mà không cần động đến cafe:

Whether you wake up in the morning feeling like you have half a brain, or you deal with a regular afternoon slump, there are ways to perk yourself up that don't involve a trip to the coffee shop. Keep reading to see three natural — and easy — ways to lift yourself out of a sluggish streak.
Exercise: One of the easiest ways to beat a bout of fatigue (sự mệt mỏi  /fə'ti:g/ ) is to get up and get moving! Even a little stretching is enough to get the blood flowing, loosen up muscles, and wake up a tired body. Try this energy-boosting yoga series if you need a little jump in the day, or, even better, get outside. Studies show that regular exercise can boost energy levels by 20 percent, and that a dose of natural light increases alertness and brain activity. Try and fit an afternoon run into your schedule or make a point to go for an outdoor walk during your lunch break.

Cách hữu hiệu nhất là tập thể dục. Cái này ai cũng biết mà ko ai làm :)) lúc mệt mệt tập thể dục một lúc là khỏe lại ngay (sau khi tập, không phải trong khi tập)

Eat the right foods: It's easy to make poor food choices when you're tired, but resist the urge to grab a sugar-laden soda or candy bar. Instead, go for a healthy energy-boosting snack instead. Something that's a good mix of complex carbs, protein, and fiber will perk you up and sustain you through the day. If you're feeling exceptionally sluggish, treat yourself to a cup of green tea, which will also help get your metabolic rate up.

Drink water: Sometimes combating fatigue is as easy as reaching for a glass of water — fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration, after all. Make sure you always carry a water bottle with you or that you sip from a glass throughout the day.

Uống nước, cái này tốt ai cũng biết, nhưng không phải ai cũng làm =.=


  1. ăn 1 quả táo buổi sáng còn tỉnh táo hơn 1 cốc cf :)

  2. Kim ăn táo xong lên giường ngủ tiếp :))
